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I went to the prefundia webpage and was going to fund the game but alas I see no option for it. Is that currently not available anymore?

Also will you be listing this on Steam? I got a laugh out of it and the world needs more of that and would like to encourage it.

Thank you for your time and the game!

Characters' design is astounding ( I am so glad that you chose the MC as androgynous :'D ), and the storytelling is much hillarious for a demo xD

What intrigues me to wait the full version release is the background stories for the demons and your way/intepretation to their original nature. How unexpected that Lucifer's/Lucifine's concept of Pride leads him being a fussy boy who thinks he knows every d*mn things in the world but reign in junk yard?? And how sad that Gluttony of Beelzebub/Beelzebabe dooms his cooking/baking to poisonous meal...

But then, I am a bit confused about Asstaroth origins... is he based on Astaroth, or is he the Asmodeus of Lust sin because of his innocence- flirty - sexy butt  appearance?

And how will the mission affect to Master-Servant relations between MC and Blood God? o.O

That will keep me allert for it release ;)

soooo is this project still on going

On Hiatus
All members have gotten busy with grad school

It's all good. i work with thousand year old bones that can't go anywhere so i forget that other study work piles up :'D

(1 edit)

This comment is 3 years ago; is everything okay? I completely understand if Grad School is still up but, please at least update us! The community misses you guys and need a confirmation if you guys are still working on the project.

emphasis on slow  /j

I CANT WAIT UNTIL THIS IS FINISHED. PLEASE DONT GIVE UP ON IT. I believe in you and I will wait however long it takes! Dumpster boy has stolen my heart I need to meet the boss.

I'm super looking forward to this game! The concept caught me interest right away, the art is incredible, the MC is hilarious and I love everyone. I enjoyed the demo so much -- good luck with production, I cannot wait for the full release of the game!!

I agree with you so much! I love the artwork, characters, and how the creator's personality is woven into the narration ^^

This game is hilarious and I love it! I can't wait until the full version comes out. For some reason, the sense of humor reminds me a lot of Kusoge if anyone knows that game... And Beelzebabe is so cute*** SPOILER-*** I don't even care if he poisoned me I'm all in.

This demo is wonderful!!! I cant wait for the full version!

Oml the dumpster baby is so hot.


This game  is hot af. Like for real, I'm dying from a heatstroke just by looking at the character designs. The only problem I have is that there Isn't a route for the Blood King.  Yes, the other characters are attractive to the point where it makes no sense, but I came here to get some Blood King booty.  Like, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE GLORIOUS EYES? He's my one and only boo. Right next to all the other boos.

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(1 edit)

so been waiting since last year ;0 are you still working on it or has it been cancelled? just concerned i might grow old and die before it's released

Hey hey ^^;;
I'd say it's on hiatus at the moment unfortunately >_>
But I'm in pharmacy school and working, so that's taking a lot of time @_@
And the other two writers are occupied as well, so things have come to a stand still unfortunately ;;;

ai sad part about adulting T^T so much stuff to be done. I'm studying anthropology and ancient cultures.fortunately our subject aint no snitch so he doesn't tell anyone about my browsing sessions

btw are there any games out there with a similar theme?? to occupy the wait lol


I can see you've been working on the story since I last read it. I like the new costumes, but I hope you make sure that they're consistently shown throughout the scenes by the time you release it. However, I think I prefered the Blood God in the robe over the school uniform. I mean, he looks hot either way, but the robe just seems a little more appropriate when you first meet him. I still want to see the school uniform though - just later on in the game if he happens to come down to the human world to greet you.

Sorry if I am offending you by saying this. I still love the story and am looking forward to seeing more, but that one costume I'd prefer switched back for at least the first scene of the story. The rest are awesome as they are. Thank you for listening and good luck with everything.


Hello hello! :D
Thanks for playing again and for the feedback OuO
The costumes are actually just a fun little thing that have nothing to do with the stories or anything, they just exist for the player to turn on and off at will depending on if they want to see the characters look different or not :3
In the full game in fact, they will not be available to all players, but only those who gave a certain amount of money to our kickstarter (which will not be up until I'm sure the game will be released within 3 months of starting it)

and no offense taken at all, always happy to receive feedback!!! >u<
Thanks again for your support!~~~~

Hey! I loved this demo, and as you can see (I know you can't I was just joking), my favorite character in the game so far is Lucifine (Lucifine as in that fine body DAYUM) ~ The game first appeared to me as cute and simple and I thought "oh, another one of those supernatural and horror vns where you can romance monsters"... I was never so wrong in my entire life. I made an account specifically to comment on this, and I was wondering, will the full game be free (if not, could you provide an estimate for the price)? I would love to purchase this as long as the price is at a reasonable range~ Please continue working hard on this; I can't wait for the full release!


I'm super flattered that you like the game so much you even made an account ;A;
Happy that it was able to exceed your expectations! ;w;
An the game will not be free, but, I'm hoping to sell it at 5 dollars which I hope sounds reasonable o3o
However, all the members working on this game, including myself, as extremely busy ;;
thanks so much for giving it a chance ;w;

Asstaroth. I'm dead XD

loved the art, but the text font wasn't the best choice in my opinion. But maybe you'll change it in the full game? Anyway, good job ;D

he got dat ass!!! XD

Okay, thanks for the feedback! :D
It's definitely still a work in progress, so, happy to make changes ^w^
I'm really bad with font stuff, do you have any suggestions for what the font should be? :D
Thanks for playing!!! OuO


I swear i've been waiting for the full release for so long that i'm tempted to hold u hostage until you give us the full game :|

Never before was a "Report" button so appropriate. But I feel your feels too :))

hahaha woah now. if i was planning on kidnapping someone, do you really think i'd put it in the comments? x'D and if i did, the game would never be finished :O

It would though. You could basically reenact "Misery"

I know, sorry ^^;;;
All members are currently busy at the moment with school and work!
I'm hoping to be able to get a lot of it done once summer comes around! :D

errrmmm when is your summer? xD ours is still in full swing. it starts in december and ends in june

Sorry!! ^^;;
Our summer is from about May to August XD
SO, another month or so before I can start working on the game more ^^;

The game has good promise. The characters have decent personality and depth, the style is on point (like quite frankly is quite beautiful), and the the playable character is fairly believable (also I love the the cute puny names). Here are some weak points that I think need to be hammered out: 1) sound/music; there is too much dead air time, and the sounds and music that are playing are on seem at points not to match the scence, and have a annoying loop; 2) while believe and having fun personalities, the characters are a little flat, and could use a more rounding out; 3) and overall broadening of the storyline which would obviously be done for a full release.

Thanks thanks! :D
Happy you enjoy the dumb puns and think the art is good ^w^
1) It's because I got all the music from free sites ^^;;; This should be easily solved for the actual game since I have a budget for music and someone who will compose music for this game :D
2) I think that will be solved mostly as you play through their actual routes and get to know them :O
Lucifine is a little puppy at times, Beelzebabe has a very sweet side, and Asstaroth is...well...UNIQUE
There are interesting things to to come for sure with them! :D
3) Yus, there's lot of things to expect in the full game ^w^
each route is very unique, as each bachelor has vastly different lives and goals :3

I like where the stories are going so far. However, I have noticed a few misplaced commas (a couple extra here, one or two missing there, etc) and that "chose" should be "choose" given how your narration is written in the present tense. Do all of the "ends" have a form of redemption later on? For instance, when you're kidnapped by Asstaroth, do you have a chance to still win him over or are you just dead? That would be one really interesting version of the story to see.

Anyways, please keep doing what you're doing and please make sure to double check your spelling and grammar before publishing the full version. I've found that the reading experience is always less enjoyable the more I have to decipher the text, but you guys are off to a pretty good start.

AH, okay, thank you for your feedback! :D
We did edit and double check the writing for the demo, but we never did any beta testing, so, in the actual game all these grammar things should definitely be caught ^w^
I think it will depend on the writer :O
I'm not in charge os Aasstaroth's route, so I don't know where that goes!
In Lucifine's route there is one moment where an answer can doom you if you don't choose an appropriate response to the follow up question P:
Thanks for giving it a try ^w^

This demo is hilarious. I love the differences between the guys. Really looking forward to the full release.

I wrote a bit about the demo itself in my blog:

Oooohm thanks so much for writing about it!!! OwO
That's so nice of you ;w;
and I'm glad that you like the game so much!!! :D
The guys are all pretty unique if you ask me XD

omg i absolutely LOVE this game ,it's so funny but definitely romantic! The only thing that i didn't like as much is that we don't see the dialogue of the character that we play as , actually talking to the other guys. Other than that i REALLY enjoyed the game and i can't wait for the full game

Awwwww, thanks so much ;w;
Ah, noted!
I think there will be more interactions with the guys since you'll be talking to them a lot more :D
Not sure when the game will actually come out, but, thanks for hanging in there with us ;w;

you're welcome and i can wait, even if it is a year or 2 XD

omg that was sooo cool, i cant wait for the full game! ill probably play for every ending when it comes out! and the blood god IS hot, lol. any idea when it'll come out?

and i loved the artwork too, most visual novels have bad artwork but yours was really great. XD Im really hoping to see more of the blood god too. Like maybe a secret route for him? XD

Hello, hello!!! OwO
Aaaaahhhh, so happy that you liked the demo so much!!! ;w;
Unfortunately due to the busy schedule of our writers the game's release date has been delayed and I am uncertain when we will be able to release ;;
ANd ehehehehe, yus, isn't Blood God just the hottest? XD
Thanks thanks!! O///u///O
I am so glad that you enjoyed my art an think it's good X3
And yes, no worries at all! Blood God does have his own route! :D
Thank you so much for your support!!!
Although it may take a while to come out, please keep this game in mind <3

Hello! I am a translator of renpy games. I would like to know if your game is going to be in Spanish...

And if it is not, I want to ask permission to translate the demo into Spanish.

Hello! :D
Sorry for the late reply!
I do have a group who has already contacted me about translating the full game, but not the demo :O
So, I'd be more than happy to grant you permission to translate the demo!

Soooo it's 2017 now :3 you said it'll be done this year :3 how much longer must we waaait lol

I'm sorry!
Unfortunately there has been a long delay due to the busy schedule of our staff. I can no longer give an estimate as to when this game will be out, but please do know we are working on it and have not forgotten!
Thank you for your continued support!

This game is really fun in this short demo alone. I'm excited to see how the story will progress. It's also worth asking if the servants' names are the Blood God's jokes as being a meme-y fuck, to spite other demons or thought of them as good ideas in the first place.

Thanks thanks! OuO
I'm hoping that the full story will be to your liking <3
Hahaha, I'll leave it up to your interpretation~
Whether they serious or it's just Blood God having a good time XD

The humor in this game is outstanding. I enjoy the art, characters, plot, but GOD the humor kills me. In a good way. Even click choices cracks me up, and I'm not even starting on inner monologues! I can't wait to play full game. Keep the good job!

Thank you very much! :D
I personally worry about the humor a lot, I've gotten to the point where I am not able to tell what's funny anymore ^^;;;
So, it's such a relief that you found even the click choices to be amusing!!! <3
The game may take a year or so to come out, but, please don't forget about it >w<

it is amazing

Hehehehe, thanks so much!!! >u<
It means a lot that you liked this game ;w;

*Clicks "Go Home."

"Why would you do that?"


No but seriously I was an asshole to everyone on the assumption that maybe it would carry over and I could at least get a pat on the head, or the ass, really I'm not picky -////- I just wanna love up on da sexy six eyed hunka demon meat is that so wrong???

PS: Dear gods I hope this gets finished soon! Its looks so damn good!!!

Hahahaha XD
But, yus, I can understand wanting to be with the Blood God~
I'm glad that you like him so much X3

Omg, the poor men XD
But, you are doing the Blood God's work, I'm sure he'd be very pleased with you :D

I'm happy that you enjoyed the game! ;w;
Unfortunately there must have been massive delays due to the schedules of our writers and stuff ^^;;;

*Achievement unlocked: Noticed by Senpai* >/////< Hehe I actually forgot I commented and came to check if it was out yet xD But No I totally understand :3 I have no issue with waiting for games especially when it means that the quality will be better for it <3 I actually think it reflects well on the designers/writers/developers when they would rather push something back a bit to make it better than to rush it out half finished for the sake of an arbitrary date. I mean lets be realistic here, I'm going after that demon god booty whenever it does come out regardless ;3

(2 edits)

hi i really like your game i see u make it with renpy do u have any tips and i keeping i killing everyone ;-; and I LOVE how u think like us lol

Awwww, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the game ;w;
Hahaha, the writing and humor for this was something I was worried about, so, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much XD
Ah, I'm very new to Renpy as well ;;
All of the code I use basically comes from visiting the forums often, but, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email :3

the blood god has nothing to do with biblical demons though. it's a specific character from warhammer 40k

this game is so funny and the different personalities of all the characters are interesting and definitely good to be delved into. (plus all the dudes are cute lmao)

can't wait for the full game to be out :)

PS I literally made this account to comment on this game lmao

jfc sorry for commenting a million times but I was wondering how I donate? I might just be being stupid but I couldn't figure out how to do it lmao
I really enjoyed the game (+ the rewards from the tiers helps too)

It's wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the demo so much!!! >w<
Hehehe, all the guys are indeed very unique, so, I hope you will have a fun time with all of theme~
Unfortunately, due to the busy schedules of all involved in this project, the release date has been moved back until around August :O
And, as such, the kickstarter campaign has also been moved back (since I want the game to mostly be done before we start accepting money)
I will make an announcement when the kickstarter is up, thank you for your interest!!!

I want Azzorath to wreck me ???

He might just if you keep being ignorant about what a turtle is XD
Thank you for supporting the game!!!

All the artwork was so cute <3 Super excited for a full version to be released! Favorite character is definitely Lucifine because *damnnn*.

Awww, thank you very much! >w<
Such a pleasure to hear that my art is good ;w;
Full version won't be for another 7 or 8 months, unfortunately, but I hope that once it is out you will give it a go! >w<
Hehehe, Lucifine is a hottie for sure X3

It's not just good, it's amazing >w<

Aww 7 to 8 months :'( It's okay though because I'm glad a full version will come out eventually! I will absolutely give it a go when it comes out and go for my dear Lucifine X3

I've played a lot of visual novel games, but I'm new to beta testing -- but if you ever need my help I'd be happy volunteer it! :) Best of luck!!

I've been meaning to play this demo for a while now and I finally got a chance too! (Imagine that...) Well, needless to say I had a blast! Of course Lucifine will have to be my favorite of the characters. I really did get a kick out of punching him harder. I was on the phone with my bf when I was playing so I was reenacting out loud how I was reading it in my head and his commentary just made me laugh and further enjoy the game. XD (At one point when Asstaroth kidnaps you my bf countered with "You just got ass-napped" I know... it was so lame but so funny at the time)

The art is just lovely. Each character seemed like they fit perfectly into their own scenes which I strongly enjoy in any game. The humor was unexpected, since I like to be surprised and not read any comments beforehand, but not unwanted. I really loved the text.

I can't wait for the full game to come out. :D Keep up the good work.

Waaaaah!!! :DDD
I'm so happy that you got a chance to play the demo and that you also enjoyed it!!! X3
Hehehehe, Lucifine is trash, PUNCH HIM AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
And omg, your boyfriend sounds hilarious~~~~
Seems he was a great addition to the game XD

It's so wonderful to hear that you liked the art!!! I always worry about whether my art is actually good enough to put in a relieved to hear you liked it ;w;
Hehehe, yes, this truly is a not serious game, so, it's good to hear the humor was interesting for you <3

Thanks so much!!!!
Unfortunately full game has been delayed, so it won't be released for another 7 or 8 months DX
I hope you will like it once it is out though!!!

Ok, so I just finished playing the demo, and my favorite character is LUCIFINE! :D

More like...Lucufine~ Amirite? 'Cause, HOT DAMN a friendly(ish) guy who can fight and who looks like that is DAMN FINE. GIMME

Also wondering why Beezle poisoned that cake...Not cool, man.

And I loved the choices in the game~ We finally get a protagonist that can be fully customized based on the choices you make, unlike some otoges (COUGH COUGH) where the choices don't really matter in the end.

Loved the humor, and the art was AMAZING. I really hope that this becomes a full game! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Thank you so much for your lovely comment OwO
Hehehe, Lucfiine is quite fine, isn't he?~~~
He's definitely a good guy I his own way XD

Beelze has his own reasons, trust me, reasons that will be revealed in the full game ^w^

I'm very happy that you enjoyed the choices!!! OuO
There's definitely some very unique choices to be made~
I hope that the full game will be just as amusing to you X3

The production has been slowed down a bit (due to all members, myself included, suddenly being swamped with school and work responsibilities) but we are working hard to bring you a full game! :D

dude, that demo was amazing. the humor was pleasantly ridiculous and i loved the graphics! so far Beelzebabe is my favorite(he's such a sweetheart!) most of the time i feel neutral about a game but im actually very excited about this!


Thanks so much!!! OwO
I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo and found both visuals and humor to be on par!!!
Unfortunately it's going to take a while for the entire game to be released, but I hope you will like it as well!!! >w<
Might I ask what your favorite character/part was? :D
Thank you for your support!! <3

1. the " dat ass scene" '3'

2. the try to seem like you approve of the poisonous cake scene.... ^/////^

3. the falcon punch choice. >:3

Those are some of my favorite scenes!! X3
Glad that you liked them as well!!! :D
I hope you will enjoy the full game in the future!!!

how much looonger?? oh ma gaaaaaaaahd


Hahaha, it's going to take another 8 months or so unfortunately ^^;
Thanks for being so patient and I'm happy that you're so excited for the game!!! <3<3<3

T^T I've been waiting so looong omw


So, I thought, 'Hmm, this looks a little charming, maybe a normal cheese VN with hot boys.'

And then 'DAT ASS' happened and I'm in love. This is the game for me.

Here is the video I LPed. I hope you don't mind. I fangirled super hard.

Lawl, this definitely isn't a normal cheese VN XD
Glad that you like the game so far!!! OwO
Ass' does have an ass that one should love <3

Thanks so much for making an LP!!! OuO
It's so incredible to me that you've taken the time to make it ;A;
It sounds like you had a good time with it X3
Thank you so much for playing!!! <3

Okay, this was only a short demo, but it was awesome! The humor is delightful and lewd in a lighthearted way, wich is really pleasant. Lucifine is by far my favorite character - he seem to be totally my type, in a game of that kind at least. I don't know what to think of the Blood God yet, but the one I like the less is Beelzebabe I guess. I have neutral feelings about Asstaroth for now, but I may like him a lot in the full release.

I'm very happy that the game stars a MC with no defined gender - this isn't a very common thing, and I like it!

The only thing that bothers me is the randomness of the answers you can give - the game is mostly unpredictable. This is very funny in the demo, but I fear it'll be a very difficult game with it's full release, since it may be hard to tell what do you need to do to get the ending you want. Well, I guess I'll know that in due time.

Do you have any date approximation for the full release, by the way?

Hello! :D
Wow, thank you so much for playing the game and leaving such awesome feedback!!! ^w^

Hehehehe, Lucifine is pretty fine if I do say so myself~
It's good to hear you enjoyed the humor, I always worry the most about that since I can't even tell if the game is funny anymore, hahah XD
I think that the full game will reveal lots of interesting sides of all the bachelors, so, I hope you will find them all to be fun and engaging when the full thing comes out ^w^
If you want to see a fun pic of Lucifine I recently posted something on the tumblr~

Thank you very much! :D
I thought it would be really interesting and refreshing to have a character without a set gender, so, I'm glad that the sentiment is shared ^w^

That's true and something we will certainly consider for the full game! :D
I've typed a few chapters out and will say that the choices in the full game will be a little more straight forward, although some of them still rather silly. I think the choices will, for the most part, be clear in what might charm your bachelor of choice~
Definitely something we will keep in mind as we go though, thanks for pointing it out! <3

The release date for the full game should be around the beginning of summer, so, about 8 more months?
There will be a kickstarter in winter, about 3 or 4 more months :D


Oh my, that pic is lovely and cute!

And thank you for answering all of my questions! I'll be sure to check the kickstarter - I hope I'll be able to help a bit at that point!

Hehehe, I'm glad that you liked the pic X3
There will be a new fact about one of the bachelors posted every week! :D

No problem, thanks for giving our game a chance!! OwO

Oh my gosh! I loved the one where he kidnapped you just for mistaking a snake for a turtle, like who does that?! It was awesome! I wonder where he took you~!


That's an amazing route, right??? X3
Kaizu, Asstaroth's writer, has an AMAZING sense of humor!
I'm happy that you enjoyed the game so much! >w<
I also am curious about where he took you, but, Kaizu has not revealed the secret~
One thing is for sure though, if you want to be Ass' lover you better know your herpetology!!!

ugh i need to get into the Blood God's pants asap please release the game soon so i can fulfill my life mission

In his pants is a pretty good place to be, gotta admit o3o
Hehe, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the demo so much!!! >w<
I highly respect your mission and wish you much luck when the game comes out~
It should be out in about 9 months and we will have a kickstarter in about 3 :D

I'm totally gunning for the 30$ kickstarter option totally for the artbook I wanted to go for the 100$ but 30$ is already my entire month's allowance :'))))

Omigosh!! OAO
I'm so thrilled that you are considering giving us any money for the kickstarter!!!
I've never made an art book before, so, was wondering what kind of content you'd like to see in it :D
I'd be happy for any suggestions!!! <3

hmm, most artbooks I collect usually feature full chara bios, chara concept art, the official art, chara trivia, the relationship chart, blah blah blah... exclusive art for the artbook only...

Awesome, thanks for your feedback! OwO
I'll be sure to include all of those things~

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